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Tooth beauty


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As you know, the beauty of the teeth is very important and affecting the beauty of the whole face. It is so important that you care so much about teeth beauty. A beautiful smile will help you to be more attractive and pleasant in other people’s eyes. In this text, we will examine all the ways that make your teeth more beautiful. So follow along with us.

Smile Design

Since ancient times, with the passage of time and advancement of dental technology, it has also become more advanced than in the past.  In the past, for example, dentistry was only enough to relieve people’s pain.  In the past, they only treated the same rotten tooth and dental beauty had no place among dentistry.  In order to be able to communicate better with this, we must say that in the old days, if the front teeth had problems and needed repair, they would make that tooth with non-colored material.  Dental work again.

call to action Tooth beauty

For consultation and booking an appointment at Sepidnet Clinic

Today, with the advancement of science and the importance of people, beauty has caused a scientific discipline to be added to dentistry called smile design.  Smile design means any action that is taken to make a smile more beautiful.  It is interesting to know that about 60% of a person’s beauty is related to his teeth.

One of the most popular smile design methods is digital smile design.  In this method, digitally and with the help of a computer, a person can see the result before taking action on his teeth.

That is why you can see your tastes digitally first without worrying and choose the best yours Smile Design with the help of a doctor. This kind of very natural system creates your smile design and helps people who care a lot about their beauty and their teeth. So if you are one of the people who care very much about the health and beauty of your teeth, we offer you a digital smile design.

Having a beautiful pink smile will make you pleasant and lovely. So in order to maintain the beauty of your smile, you need to pay attention to the health and appearance of your teeth.

Some people have a beautiful smile since they were a child. These people have a harmony between the gums and the color and form of their teeth. Unfortunately, there are also some people who congenitally have abnormalities in their mouths and teeth.

These people should be sure to seek help from their dentist so that they can have a beautiful smile.

You can try household methods for tooth whitening. But methods such as balching and laminate are much more effective. In the following, we will familiarize you with these 2 methods more. You can make a more correct decision by comparing these two methods.

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For consultation and booking an appointment at Sepidnet Clinic

White Smile Dental Clinic Group, has two branches in the east (Narmak) and west (Shahrak-gharb) in Tehran, which offer their services from Saturday to Wednesday from 10 am to 20 pm. Cosmetic dentistry applicants or patients with dental problems can submit an appointment booking request through the booking form of the website. After submitting your application form, we will notify you of free time and appointment as soon as possible by contacting you or sending an email.

Tooth belching

Tooth belching is one of the methods of bleaching teeth belching. In this method, a bleaching material is used to make the tooth whitening well. This bleach should not have degrading effects on the enamel. Of course, it is better to know that this method cannot be used in cases where discoloration indicates the onset of tooth decay.

Tooth belching is done in two ways. In the first method, the doctor performs the molding and then the person receives the training to use it. Now, the molds should be placed on their teeth for a certain period of time during the day. This method generally takes between 1 and 4 weeks. After this period of time, the teeth will become more degrees , brighter and whiter.

However, in the second procedure, it is performed by the doctor and in the office. In this method, the bleach should be placed on the tooth when it is ready, and it is interesting to know that in less than an hour you can see the result on your teeth. In this method, it is possible to repeat and do not get the desired result in the first session.

Laminate is one of the methods of tooth whitening that has attracted a lot of attention. Another name is laminate and layered veneer teeth. In this method, teeth-colored materials or Hollywood whites are used to correct teeth. In this method, in addition to the color of the tooth, you can correct the shape and also if there is a gap between the teeth, it will be made with the help of laminate. Laminate is also used to repair teeth that are broken. .  In some cases, the teeth need to be polished.  Laminates are usually made of ceramic.

Maybe it’s a question for you that, what kind of tooth a Hollywood smile is? We have to tell you that if you have smooth and white teeth , you have a Hollywood smile. If your face is beautiful, it will be beautiful unconsciously in the eyes of people in all parts of your body. That’s why it’s essential to have a perfect smile to be attractive. Since Hollywood actors have very tidy and beautiful teeth, these types of teeth, which are perfect, are called Hollywood smile.

Dental Composite and Smile Beauty

For the front teeth, a white material called composite is used. Composites are used for beauty and this material has a very high strength. It is better to know that before any action is taken on the teeth, it is necessary to check the teeth first. This is because if it is necessary to treat on the gums and also if the tooth is decayed, it must be repaired first. In many cases, teeth need to be orthodontic to be sorted and then upon and then composites are done on them. Therefore, before performing the composite, the health of the teeth should be checked from all directions and the necessary measures should be taken on them.

If a gum is healthy, normally it should be congress in parallel with the crown of the tooth. However, if a gum falls ill and the tooth is analyzed, the part of the tooth that should not be exposed to external factors becomes apparent. This part of the tooth that should not be exposed is basically more yellowish. The name of this section is cemented. Normally, the white enamel should be seen in the crown of the tooth and the cement should be completely hidden by the gums. If you feel that you need treatment or gum surgery in your gum area, contact us.

call to action Tooth beauty

For consultation and booking an appointment at Sepidnet Clinic

Ceramic tooth laminate is a thin shell that is custom made for each person and placed on the tooth. . Basically, ceramic laminates are used to design smiles and beautify teeth. With the installation of these ceramic laminates, the teeth will become more beautiful and whiter. These veneers should be placed on the teeth by a cosmetic dentist in a few sessions. These laminated veneers have a lifespan of about 10 to 20 years. The durability and durability of these laminates depends very much on the individual’s compliance and lifestyle. So the more you look after your teeth, the more laminates will work for you. These laminates are thin and have a thickness And they have a thickness of about 0.5 to 0.6 mm. This amount of thickness is approximately 2 times the thickness of an eggshell. Read more about: Ceramic Laminate.

Cosmetic dentistry

This may confuse you a little if you understand the correct definition of a cosmetic dentist. Anyone who seeks to modify their smile design has different circumstances than the other. In general, a cosmetic dentist deals with a part of dentistry that is for the appearance and beauty of the teeth.

As expected, cosmetic dentistry also has several sections. People who have problems with the appearance of their teeth should go to a cosmetic dentist instead of a general dentist. In the past, dentistry was only summarized as tooth extraction and filling, and unfortunately it was not given any importance to the beauty of the tooth. But today, with the coming of cosmetic dentistry, in addition to the beauty you are given, your confidence also increases.

Dental implant is one of the branches of cosmetic dentistry that has a great impact on the attractiveness of the person. Implants are screws made of metal. These screws are very compatible with the human body. These screws are surgically placed under the gums. Once these screws are in the right place, then the cosmetic dentist can put the implant veneer on them with the help of dental prostheses.

This will return the beauty of your laughter. In fact, implants are a good alternative to your lost teeth. With the advancement of science and the coming of implants, edentulic problems have been solved and no one is losing confidence because of this.

The issue of toothlessness is an unbearable problem for many people, but unfortunately we may face it for a variety of reasons. This problem had no choice but to insert dentures in previous times. But nowadays, implants are a very good alternative. Implants will play the role of real teeth for you for the rest of your life.

One of the coatings of all ceramics is zirconia coatings. No metal materials have been used in the zirconium coating of the tooth. The color of these coatings is very white and bright. This type of veneer is suitable for tooth reconstruction. If the teeth do not look beautiful and there is also a tooth that is different in size, it can be easily covered with zirconium coating. Another problem that can be eliminated with this type of veneer is interdental distance.

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