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Coating Zirconium


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Coating Zirconium Definition or Coating Zirconium

As you know, the coating has a solid zirconium with a power-making is very high. In the crust of zirconia, the beauty of the teeth up to a higher degree, because it is not made of metal. In fact, the coating is made of zirconia alloy and is a type of metal. White and has a high strength as well as stability.

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Zirconia oxide is one of the most widely used oxides even in the industry. Because this type of paint has no color, it looks very much like a natural tooth.

In fact, the coating zirconia is effectively chemically free and has no chemical reaction. For this reason, this kind of paint does not perish at all, and has high strength and stability.

If the zirconia paint is properly applied by a professional person, it can last for up to 50 years. This is why the fees paid for that are very valuable. Of course, there are many coatings, but these types of paint must be compatible with the characteristics and conditions of the mouth in order to be used.

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zirconium plating price

Zirconium plating has a higher price than its metallic type. If we want to say in general, the price of such paint varies according to the type of material used for each person. As mentioned above, another reason for the high price of zirconia coating is that it is very similar to teeth.

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Zirconia Coating Advantages

Its advantages include its beauty and high luminosity.
This type of coating has even higher strength and strength than cladding.
It has a high resistance to abrasion.
Since there is no sensitivity in teeth after lathes, in these coatings, there is also the ability to lower the conductivity of heat and cold.
It is highly compatible with teeth and also prevents swelling and gingival recession.
There are no carcinogens in zirconia veneer as well as substances that cause allergies. As a result, without worrying, you can use these veneers and give your teeth a beautiful look.
The most important feature of Zirconia coating is that the edge color will not change in the long run. Unfortunately, in PFM coating after a while due to the presence of metal and ecological reaction, the gingival edge structure is changed and darker.
This coating has a very high color and because the color of people’s teeth is different, this can be considered as a good feature of this type of coating. Color grading in teeth is due to genetics in people. In this type of coating, according to the different grades used in them, a very natural coating will be created for the patient.
Zirconia coatings require minimal lathes. The amount that these types of coatings require is at the level of shaving done on gold.
These types of veneers do not cause abrasion in adjacent teeth at all.
Zirconia is the strongest ceramic that exists in dentistry and is used.

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